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AI Heritage Preservation


AI Enhanced Heritage Preservation in the Western Balkans

This project aims to provide state-of-the-art model for digital preservation and capacity-building activities in using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for heritage objects preservation in three neighboring countries in the Western Balkans, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. It will deal with the AI technologies usable for identification, selection and analysis of online data about endangered or neglected heritage objects, based on created models provided within the project’s framework.

Objectives and expected results
The project objectives will be achieved in the time frame of 11 months. First objective is development of an exemplary AI model for heritage identification through automated analysis of images published on the web, which will be based on the AI image recognition and categorization. For this objective ten heritage objects will be visited and digitally documented by the project team in Serbia, BiH, and Montenegro, for the purpose of comparison by the AI algorithm in searching similar images online. The aim is to have at least 1000 images properly recognized and categorized (e.g. religious or secular object, church or mosque, school or train station, etc). The second objective is the capacity development through organization of three workshops for 75 cultural heritage professionals in three countries and publication of an e-book in English with information about the project, including technical data and educational material for dissemination of results in the European heritage sector.