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KreativaLab is committed in enhancing public access to content published in books, journals and other forms of print media through digital technologies. We are focused on topics such are e-books and audio books and their general availability to audience, as we try to provide a communication platform for e-books stakeholders and solutions that will connect interests of readers, authors, publishers, librarians, etc.

What is our approach?

Current situation: high prices of e-books both for end-customers and for libraries for e-lending; online stores and big publishers favour several “big languages” that have huge global market; samizdat and indie authors do not have easy access to publishing and distribution of e-books except through big publishing and distribution systems such as Amazon, which favors big languages (six biggest languages in the world have over 90% of all titles in Amazon’s online store); public domain and open-access works that can be freely distributed to readers and end users in libraries are scattered in many repositories and digital libraries, also in digital formats that are not always suitable to be used in mobile devices. 

Problem solution? Solving the problem of lesser visibility of less-spoken European languages in contemporary e-book market; helping the authors to get publish in e-format and to distribute their titles in libraries through e-lending system established on a non-profit basis that will at the same time support authors and provide fair prices for libraries; library support for development of high-quality services and content in electronic format for end-users. 

What we offer? Development of an online platform for publishing, access (reading&listening) and distribution of both e-books and audio-books in standard and most used formats for e/audio books, that at the same time provide an e-lending system compatible with the current integrated library systems in use in the majority of European libraries.